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Pediatric Care in Hot Springs

baby getting adjusted

Colic and ear infections are common conditions that affects millions of children each year. If your child is one of the many affected, don’t worry-you have natural options-and we’re here to help.

Colic and Excessive Crying

Colic is a common condition in infants, characterized by excessive crying and fussiness that lasts for several hours each day. While the exact cause of colic is unknown, many parents have found that chiropractic care can be a safe and helpful treatment option for their babies.

At our practice, we use gentle chiropractic techniques to help alleviate colic symptoms in infants. Our team will carefully examine your baby’s spine and nervous system to identify any areas of tension or misalignment that may be contributing to their discomfort. Through gentle adjustments, we can help restore proper alignment and function to your baby’s spine, promoting better overall health and wellbeing.

What Causes Ear Infections?

Infections in the ears occur when bacteria or viruses infect the middle ear, causing inflammation and fluid buildup. This can result in symptoms such as ear pain, fever, headache, and difficulty hearing.

While antibiotics are a common treatment, they may not be necessary in all cases. In fact, many patients have found that chiropractic care can be a safe and effective alternative to antibiotics for treating ear infections.

baby crying

How Chiropractic Can Help

At our practice, we use gentle chiropractic techniques to help alleviate colic and ear infection symptoms to promote healing. Our team will carefully examine your child’s spine and nervous system to look for any areas of dis-ease or misalignment that could be contributing to the issue-we often call this looking for the ‘root cause’ of the problem.

Through focused adjustments, our team can help restore proper alignment and function to the body, which may help your child feel better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions not addressed below? Feel free to reach out to us!
Will adjustments hurt my child?

No, your child won’t be in any pain during an adjustment. Our methods are extremely gentle and light-they likely won’t even know they’re being adjusted. We do our best to make the experience fun for everyone. Kids love coming to our practice and always leave with a smile.

Will they need to be under chiropractic care forever?

How often your child visits us for chiropractic care is completely up to you. Of course, we’ll give our recommendations for what their body needs, but we trust that you’ll make the best decision for your family. Children often don’t need to visit us as often as adults, since we’re correcting problems in them much sooner compared to adults who have been living with issues for years.

Schedule a Visit Today

If you’re seeking a natural and non-invasive solution for your child’s health, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our chiropractic team. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and helps you find the relief and support you need to get back to your daily routine.

Contact us today to learn more and get started.

Pediatric Care Hot Springs AR | (501) 767-0900